Monday, March 30, 2020

Miracles, do you believe?

Cupcakes Are Muffins That Believed In Miracles

The outstanding author Brenda Janowitz shared the above quote on facebook today and it inspired my three things of the day.

  1. My first thought is that i usually think of this in reverse.  Muffins are the clever cake that convinced you it was an appropriate breakfast food.  Miracles are always amazing but are actually dependent on your perspective.  What Egypt have used the world "miracle" to describe the splitting of the sea. it makes me ask, what is a miracle for you? 
  2. I love this idea because it implies that we are all just a little frosting away from being a "miracle."  The space between regular and fabulous is so small.  What am I doing today to add some "frosting" too my life? what regular activities or moments am I going to add a little razzle dazzle to in order to make them miracles.  
  3. This is is the whole passover story in one quote! The whole passover story can be shrunk down to a responsibility to look at a dark and broken world and believe that the world could be better! To believe that we have to find the frosting and the candle to take our lives to the next level. 
Comment below and share how you are ready to make yourself into a "miracle!"

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